Singing Guide: Khai Dreams
Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources
Khai Dreams, a Hawaiian lo-fi indie singer, started his musical career on SoundCloud in 2014. His unique dreamy, mellow voice and poetic lyrics infused with love, nostalgia, and hope captured the hearts of millions of fans around the world.
If you want to learn how to sing like Khai Dreams, focus on his vocal technique — half-singing-half-rapping — and his soft, airy voice that blends so well with the dreamy music.
Here are some practical tips that will help:
- Breathing: Khai's breath is an essential part of his vocal technique. He uses it to create pauses and rhythm, often switching between singing and rapping. Practice deep breathing exercises, such as Farinelli breathing, and experiment with using your breath as a rhythmic tool to enhance your singing.
- Pitch accuracy: Khai Dreams often sings in a flat voice, using pitch inflections to convey emotions and moods. Practice pitch control exercises, such as the Singing Carrots pitch accuracy test, to develop your ability to sing in tune and change the pitch based on the mood of the song.
- Articulation: Khai's poetic lyrics require precise articulation to convey his message effectively. Practice articulation exercises, such as the Finger Bite exercise, to train your tongue and jaw muscles to produce clear and crisp consonants.
- Voice registers: Khai Dreams often switches between different voice registers, using a mix of chest voice, falsetto, and head voice to create a unique vocal texture. Practice voice register exercises, such as the Singing Comfort Zone, to learn how to transition smoothly between different voice registers and improve your overall vocal range.
Use these Singing Carrots resources to train your voice further:
- Pitch training: The Singing Carrots pitch training game is excellent for improving pitch accuracy and learning how to sing with emotion.
- Vocal range test: Take the Singing Carrots vocal range test to know your range and compare it with Khai's.
- Song search: Use Singing Carrots' song search feature to find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.
- Vocal health: Singing Carrots' article on vocal health covers the importance of warm-ups, hydration, and proper nutrition for your voice.
To practice singing like Khai Dreams, consider these songs as a good starting point:
- Ultimately
- Lost in You
- Through and Through
- Sunkissed
- Strange Relationships
Learning to sing like Khai Dreams takes time and dedication, but with the right vocal techniques, practice tips, and relevant Singing Carrots resources, you can train your voice to capture the essence of his unique style.